I’m Karma Shanti

Intuitive Soul Coach & Energy Alchemist

Welcome and Warm Greetings

I am glad you stopped by to check out my site.
We are a Body-Mind practice. Most discomfort in the body is often caused by blocks in energetic and emotional centers within the body. Pain, discomfort, and disease are all symptoms of blocked, trapped or stagnant energy held in the physical body.

Soul Coaching

I work on a soul level to clear and heal everything that is interfering with your ability to embrace a life you love.  When you’re ready to commit to your healing, I will guide you through this transformational process.

Career Coaching

Are you stuck in a job that is not fulfilling a deeper sense of purpose?  Do you yearn for a new career path, or to work for yourself using your unique gifts and talents? 
  If you answered “YES”, then I can help? 

Reawaken Your Spirit

Are You Ready To  Find Your Sparkle?

I will help you see the world and your life from a different perspective, empowering you to gain clarity and invaluable insights on this life-changing journey of spiritual healing.  Because you deserve a better life, and nothing should stand in the way of your true potential and destiny.

Do you feel like you are stuck and unable to move forward?

Do past hurts and traumas still haunt you?

Have lost your SPARKLE and your zest for life?

Do you struggle to communicate effectively?

Don’t know how to improve your relationships?

Are you ruled by fear and anxiety about what others think of you?

Do you feel disconnected or simply in a state of “unease”?

Are you plagued by “bad luck” you just can’t explain?

Are you stuck in a job that depletes your energy?

Are you carrying Ancestral Karma that inhibits your Soul's growth ?

Awaken Your Spirit and Release Negative  Energy Influences With
Karma Shanti


Realign your energy, release fears and phobias


Release "stinking thinking" and self doubt


Release Ancestral Karmic influences


Break through relationship blocks


Discover and Embrace your Soul's Purpose


Communicate with confidence and conviction


Transform self-criticism into self-compassion


Embrace and express your most authentic self


Empower your Spiritual Journey

Frequently Asked

ONE ON ONE HEALING - Where to Start

Everything starts with a 30min Discovery Call. This is complementary and at no cost to you.

This time gives us an opportunity to explore the possibility of working together. It gives the chance to meet and connect. Identify what goals you have and explore the possibility of working together.

After you Book your Discovery Call, you will need to complete the online Client Intake Form 

During our Discovery Call, we will do the following: 

  • Identify your goals
  • Energy Assessment
  • Questions & Answers

Energy healing also known as Energy Medicine comes in many different modalities like Healing Touch, Reiki, and QiGong.  It can support wellness across the levels of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health.


  • Releasing symptoms of anxiety and depression
  • Aiding in trauma release; emotional and physical (PTSD)
  • Heals negative emotions, fears and phobias
  • Improves self esteem and self awareness 
  • Improves quality of sleep
  • Release Energy Blocks that can lead to physical and emotional disharmony
  • Raises your vibration 
  • Enhancing sense of Spiritual connection and confidence 
  • Restores vitality and energy levels
  • Non-invasive and complementary to traditional medicine

An Intuitive Soul Coach is one that helps you transform your life.  Rather than just examining your behaviors, habits and goals, they help you overcome emotional wounds, clear trauma and break subconscious programming.  By helping you identify and clear any deep-rooted limiting beliefs, you are able to reconnect with your true divine nature and most authentic self.

By guiding you to engage your energy and focus on emotional and spiritual healing, we help you to quickly release the energetic blockages that keep clients from moving forward and living an empowered life.


When we are too deeply engaged in the drama and chaos of life. We tend to see the world from a distorted perspective. We may make judgments and victimize ourselves by justifying our negative view of our life. We may even blame others or the universe for our misfortunes. As a Soul Coach, I can help you discover your spiritual and energetic blocks and help you figure out why you are not where you want to be in your life.

When we complain about our situation without searching for a solution, it can feel like digging ourselves into deep despair. As your healing ally, it is my job to help you identify the root of your problems, heal the past, and open up new positive possibilities in your life.
You came here to thrive and manifest your dream life. Are you ready?


Distance ENERGY healing uses energy across any distance that is sent to a recipient.  Since energy is present everywhere, it can be directed via conscious thought, emotion, and intention to a person or situation. By tapping into universal energies, the healer can access and enlist the help of spiritual guides, angels, and light beings to assist in and enhance the healing… These invisible divine allies work thru the healer (who serves a sort of bridge or conduit) to channel, clear and dismantle destructive and confusing influences affecting your life.
 Stretching beyond time and space, distance healing transmits powerful energy encoded with healing intention to you no matter where you are.


Because energy is present everywhere, Energy healing works on a multi-dimensional or quantum level.  Physical and emotional changes can be felt immediately during or right after the session.  Energy blocks in your field are held within many different layers, much like an onion. These blocks can have their roots in trauma patterns that were acquired at different stages of your Soul's journey, including early childhood, present and past lives, as well as ancestral wounds embedded in the DNA.  All disease patterns are rooted in emotional wounds or traumas held within a person’s soul template. So, when a blocked energy pathway is released, healing can be immediate or unravel over a period of time.  Everyone has a different level of sensitivity to feeling and perceiving subtle energy, and your experience will be unique and different from someone elses.  Some people experience spontaneous healings, while others release more gradually over time.  After healing sessions with me, many clients feel tremendous relief and describe feeling energetically "lighter and brighter", like they just released a big burden.  Pain and disease patterns can release in miraculous ways, like tumors melting, spinal curvatures straightening, dramatic release of anxiety, fear and phobias. Energy healing is the science of miracles.


About Me

I’m Karma Shanti, and I’ve dedicated my life and career to empowering others through intuitive counseling and energy healing.

Like anyone else, I had to embark on a long journey of self-exploration to discover who I truly am, which I now know is a multi-sensory psychic, energy intuitive, clairvoyant, and spiritual catalyst.

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